Thursday 6 October 2011

Lamb Goulash (with some tweeks)

I was pleasantly surprised by this recipe, the mix of Lamb and lemon worked really very well although due to the cost of lamb at the moment i must admit that its not something I'd do frequently. To get good quality diced lamb, i like to buy a whole shoulder and then bone and dice the meat myself.

Serves 4-6

45g Butter
1 Large Onion, chopped
900g Lamb, preferably a stew cut such as shoulder
1 Lemon, seeded & very thinly sliced
1 tsp Caraway seeds
2tsp Rosemary
1tsp cinnamon
1/2tsp nutmeg
1tsp Oregano
1tsp fresh Greek basil
3cloves of garlic
1 Cup Veg Stock
Salt & Pepper
1 tin of tomatoes, drained and roughly diced
1 Large carrot, grated

Smear the bottom of the slow cooker with the butter and sprinkle with the onion. Put the Lamb in the cooker and arrange the lemon slices over it.

In a mortar, mash together all herb (except the basil), spices and garlic with a pestle before stirring into the stock. Add the stock mix to the slow cooker, cover and cook on low for 5-6 hours or until the lamb is tender.

Add the tomatoes and carrot then turn up the heat to high for 30 mins. Just before serving add the basil and season to taste.

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